
Would be funny if the conservative majority SCOTUS agrees with Trump that the president has absolute immunity, and later that day, Joe Biden sends in SEAL Team 6 to grab Trump and all the Justices who voted in favor and drag them off to Gitmo, then appoints 5 or 6 new Justices. He wouldn't do it, of course, 'cause he's not an asshole. But it would be funny. In an ironic, poetic justice sort of way.

@SteveCarll67 I think that would be utterly awful, but I admit, I would still laugh. But that would probably mean he'd turned crazy tyrant, so I'd prefer not having to deal with that.

I keep hoping we can put Trump away the normal civilized way and prove we're still civilized.

But to repeat. I'd still laugh. I'm not a saint.

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