Elmo is an ignorant vile imbecile who has fvcked the 🐦 💩 site up unbelievably badly.🤣🤣🤣

Fun fact, if you want to speedrun getting locked out of twitter, if you have a mouse with a scroll wheel that can be unlocked, just unlock it and scroll down. I got locked out in 30 seconds. Hilarious.

I wonder if Musk has paid his Cloudflare bill?

@Alfred can you recommend a drink recipe for strawberries and mangos?

This is why I still go to Twitter. When Twitter breaks, the jokes are gold. 😂😂
Luka Ivan Jukic
Non blue ticks collecting their daily tweet rations, 2023 (colorised)

Twitter... a cautionary tale about why you never let the sink in.

this shit is funnier than facebook's entire existence

HAHAHA! I just hit my 'rate limit' for today.

Lovely. Great way to bring traffic to your site.

Then again, I did post quite a few comments.

Apparently Twitter (Musk) is also refusing to pay its Amazon Cloud services bill.

"In order to fulfil Comrade Musk's 5-year Platform Development Plan, Twitter will be now available from 14:00 to 17:00 on Thursdays at your local Soviet Executive Committee building, users are required to bring workplace characteristics and clean criminal record certificates."

Best guess: Twitter tried to do something stupid with their API, they messed it up in a way that will take days, so Elon is doing this new “you can only read 600 posts a day” thing as a cover, and he’ll say “after hearing your feedback, we’ve reversed the policy” when it’s fixed.

- Ben Collins; NBC; Frequent Elon Musk critic, and surprisingly funny guy

Elon Musk is like a Scooby Doo villain who dresses up as a ghost to scare everyone away from the theme park but forgets that his business is theme parks

everyone is so nice here wtf it's weird not seeing discourse on the TL

Not positive about this yet but for desktop users...

I usually keep two Twitter tabs open. One on my TL and one for mentions and DM's.

When I hit the rate limit on my TL I switch to my DM/mentions tab and I can still respond to DM's and favorite mentions.

When I switch back to my TL tab the rate limit seems to be re-set.

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🌻🐘@Stephanie🐶 🌍🇺🇸

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.