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to our American fans. We hope you have a fabulous day. When you're stuffed with turkey check out our site for the latest episode. Or maybe have more turkey. ☺

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Has anyone read Artemis by Andy Wier? What did you think? An upcoming episode will feature it and your comments!
Check our cast at

STAR TREK: DISCOVERY — NCC-1031 U.S.S. Discovery, Crossfield Class Stu | ANOVOS Productions LLC

Cool! Do you want to be a co-host on a podcast? Now's your chance! Podcast co-hosts wanted - StarfleetComms

Matter creation? The source of all things? Outflows From Black Holes are Creating New Molecules Where There Should Only be Destruction - Universe Today

I refer you to the Mirror Universe... Life Could Exist in Other Universes with Different Physical Laws -

HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! Do you want to be a co-host on a podcast? APPLY NOW! Podcast co-hosts wanted - StarfleetComms

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