Looking for follow recommendations - interested in those who are real supporters of our country, who stand for truth and for the rights of the people.
Drop a note if that's you!

Looks like it's time to move here or, at the least, spend more time here.
Howdy everyone!

The WH reminds me of an abusive family. Gaslighting, increased tolerance of abuse from authorities, lying, and devaluation. I'd hate to see how they are at home.

Good morning CoSo! Friday and a break from hearings, hurrah.
Here's a photo I shot earlier this week - the butterflies visit us all winter here in South Florida.

Have a super weekend!

"No other choice."
Sadly, partisanship support for an authoritative leader will rule the day.

Opinion piece from the founder of Common Cause, a non partisan democracy reform/watchdog organization.


A bit of floral beauty - especially for those in the frozen climes. This is a vanda orchid currently blooming in my yard.

Thoughts on yesterday's hearings: One bombshell. No ah ha moments. Everyone seems locked into their already-formed opinions with the needle not moving,
While I believe the House will impeach, the Senate will say not guilty…as it has appeared all along.

How's it going, CoSo? It's a rainy day in south Florida. So much for getting out to take some pics.

A little beauty for your day! A monarch butterfly nectars in my butterfly garden, November 2019.

My Dad, Wallace G. Tuschong, served in the 864th Air Engineering Squadron from 1943-1945. Saluting all those who have fought and otherwise served to help keep American free. Happy Veterans Day.

skipped serving, claiming he had bone spurs. He trashed McCain for getting captured in battle & has only visited overseas troops once. He used money raised for our veterans for his benefit. Trump couldn’t care less about our veterans.

Good morning CoSo! I hope you're having a fantastic day!

"I made my mind up. There's nothing there."
If this was Clinton, Graham would be screaming for impeachment. His hypocrisy is almost legendary.

Today's Impeachment Distraction: Jeffrey Epstein. James O'Keefe and Project "Veritas" are at it again.

My POV: I'm glad he's dead. Don't really care if it was murder or suicide. Let's focus on the business at hand - Trump's scandals and the

Good afternoon CoSo! It's a beautiful afternoon here in Coconut Creek, Florida. I hope you have a wonderful day!

3/3 This is no way to “govern,” but rather the way of supporting authoritarian leaders. All those who do not uphold the document they have sworn to protect, the Constitution, should be removed from office.

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