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Sometimes the world just sucks, so here's my dog Chasqui (cha-skee). She lifts me back up. Just because you haven't met her yet doesn't mean you're not her friend. The Aussie is named Auzzie, and the Pom is Puddin.

Federal Judge says Washington Governor Inslee has the power to make emergency declarations and regulate businesses under them.

There's a video going around of a person wearing all black being "taken away" by police dressed and equipped like soldiers. The person goes very willingly, the police gently stroll them to a van, they all appear to quickly enter the van, and it drives off fairly normally. No struggle at all, no handcuffs, no problems, very calm and easy.

Now I"m just speculating here, but this seems more like picking up an undercover than arresting or kidnapping a protestor.

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Everyday antifascist Dan

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