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In Canada

Kids are dying from😢😷

Influenza A
Strep A

If you care, wear a mask. It's that simple.

Thank you.


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More than 58,000 Texas homes and businesses are without power as a winter storm with frigid temperatures and winds hits the state.

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Jeff Timmer wrote:

Brace for the GOP election night script. You'll see Kari Lake, Matt DePerno, Tudor Dixon, Doug Mastriano and more declare victory before the 11pm news and demand the counting of votes stop. It's the plan. Expect it tomorrow. Call it out now. Fight it on Wednesday and beyond.

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pro tip: if you can afford to buy your own social media playpen, you can afford to stop whining about having to pay taxes

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Hey, Maga, no Disney? 🤣🤣🤣 Guess what?!? Disney owns and operates the ABC, ESPN, Freeform, FX, and National Geographic, Disney+, Star+, ESPN+, Hulu, etc., etc... Sooo, good luck "cancelling" them! 😂😂😂

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No woman should be told she can’t make decisions about her own body. When women’s rights are under attack, we fight back.

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We must unite & win this election 💙🌊. Everything we stand for & the change we want depends on winning 2022. Please vote 🗳

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@MeidasTouch @th3j35t3r he's put some work into it for the last couple of years and deserves a huge thank you!

Thank you Jester ❤️

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Over 22,000 new users in the past day or so. 🤯

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This CNN reporting is major, y'all. It's almost like EVERYONE in the Republican Party was in on the coup plan...

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I'm seeing quite a lot of people on Twitter who dipped their toe in here and left because they don't like it or "it's too confusing".

Unfortunately, people are expecting CoSo to be Twitter with a different owner. It's not. And yes, it IS confusing at first. But there's so much to do here that it's worth the effort.

Besides, who moves into another home that looks exactly like your other home? 🤔

I’ve had an account for awhile, but haven’t checked in for a bit…still feeling like a newbie….happy to reconnect with like minded folk. migration Disgusted with EM

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Wow! Fair play to Elon ... he's done a cracking job at getting people over here😂
Welcome aboard everyone :D

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Is the great Twitter migration beginning? I almost hate to leave my 14 year old account, but I won't miss the noise.

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Via David Rothkopf on Twitter: The richest guy on the 2021 Forbes 400 owns the Washington Post. Number 2 now owns Twitter. Number 3 owns Facebook. Numbers 5 and 6 started Google. Numbers 4 and 9 started Microsoft. Number 10 owns Bloomberg. Free speech? You decide.

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Phone banking done for the night. Back at it tomorrow as have the day off for it.

1 sleep people, this is not a drill.

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.