JFC, it's as if the GOP collectively studied fiscal policy at Trump University.

Can anyone recommend a good Manufactured Outrage calendar for 2018? I missed the latest salvo in Starbucks' War on Christmas (™) and feel so behind the times.

Congratulations Ajit Pai on your next job back at Verizon!

Been busy, did I miss any particularly hot takes in the last 12 hours?

This describes a nursing home resident, not the single most powerful individual on earth.

Incredible to think that we once fought a war to keep these people from leaving the country.

Dean Heller exudes the sort of pride over writing the Senate version of the tax bill the way one would gaze proudly at a particularly large bowel movement.

Remember when doughy, middle-aged white guys marched around playing dress up and insisted it was about deficits and not race? Pepperidge Farm remembers...

FYI- This is what taxation without representation looks like.

Holy crap, @th3j35t3r liked my toot. I imagine this is what preteens at an [insert boy band] concert feel like.

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