Got a woven henley, dark beanie, and week old scruff beard going for me today. Feeling the old worn out sailor in me bones.

Phew. Been up cleaning all morning. Original plan was to do this last night but we got back from family too late and had to go right to the bedtime routine. Almost done and have a warm cup of coffee so it's all good. Last thing to do is put away the little ones toys into their bins. Which honestly is an exercise in futility as she loves nothing more than taking everything apart and trying to figure out how it works. Still makes me feel like I can pretend I'm a put together functional adult.


If you are feeling the pressure of this particular day

If you will be with people who bring strife and discomfort

or loneliness even when you're with them

or if you will be alone

or if you will be grieving and facing the day with an empty chair at the table

Please take good care of yourself. I hope you can find solace--just enough to help you through a hard day.

You will not be alone, here--there is always companionship and comfort at the CoSo table.


Loving reminder: that store clerk, that cashier, that gas station attendant working today -- they have families, too. So, maybe you're stressed about something you forgot for the big dinner or some family squabble, but don't take it out on them. Be kind. Be considerate.

Espressito Cubano and a beef empanada is the best breakfast for a day on the road.

Two double espressos down! Time to knock these projects out and get ready for Thanksgiving prep. After a rough night with the LO I might need more.

Loving my Nespresso.

In other news, I now have an electric kettle to make nice hot tea. So we have that going for us.

It is wet and cold and grey. Here in the motherswamp the cold front doesn't make a snow covered vista, it just turns everything to mush.

Time for a walk in the cool air with a glass of hot tea. Electric kettles are where it's at! Stay warm CoSo and enjoy the day.

Baby asleep. Gonna relax the rest of the evening and hope for a solid night's sleep.

Many years ago I left the church. I still hold certain faiths both the old ways and some Christian but I know longer have a religion. Religion is a guide for many and in some ways it can be great but in others it can be twisted and made wrong. This way feels more true to me. I don't know. I'm just introspective this week. Sometimes my brain overloads and crashes for a bit.

Sitting on the floor by the electric fireplace next to my loving wife and sweet baby daughter. The baby they said we might not be able to have. There are problems at work, those are for monday. Might get yelled at for them... Monday. Monday is later, now is now. Now is perfect. Live in now.

Here's Toby, he's the baby. As they say all orange cats share a brainchild, he never gets a turn.

Phew. Things here running a bit slower. Must be a massive influx of users. Gonna try and interact more and lurk less.

Hot ramen on a chilly night in the swampland. Skies are clear and beautiful this evening.

Ah Florida, once more you vote against everything you actually need in the name of so called "freedom".

Good Morning CoSo! 11 month old slept through the night, I however did not. Stupid brain. Between sleep deprivation and way overloaded working stress could use a little motivation as I pound back this winter redbull and get some fresh air before sitting down at the computer for 10 hours. Anyone got some advice or hot motivational sayings? I'll start. " Failure is not an option-it is mandatory. The option is whether or not you let failure be the last thing you do." Maxim 70

Just put the baby to sleep and enjoying a Raspberry Regatta... ah win!

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Tali, Loki is my spirit animal

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