Little ones are at Disneyworld and the eldest keeps texting me to play online games.

When a grandkid texts you from Disney to play a game with you, you answer. 😊

May your Thanksgivings be warm and pleasant!

A Counter Social Pro account is only $5 a month. It helps offset costs of not having advertisers, etc. (Especially recently with the influx of new accounts pouring in.)

It would also make a nice Birthday present for CS which turns 5 years old tomorrow. πŸ₯³


Good morning, friends! Have a good day, despite the drizzle and drear

Irritated by allergies, my cheeks itched profoundly today, so I removed my beard entirely so I could apply a bunch of soothing lotion. I can’t stop touching my newly bare cheeks. πŸ˜„

PSA -'s per month running costs are now at more than 400% above the cost from a month ago. We're having to upgrade our infrastructure faster than the rate of PRO users upgrading.

This place is 100% crowd-powered by its users, not advertisers. Please consider going PRO if you can. If you can't - that's okay too.

Direct PRO upgrade link below, desktop browser users can use the 'COSO PRO' link from the main righthand navigation.

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Good morning, CoSo!

Apologies to those whose messages I overlooked the last couple of weeks; I think I have a better handle on the interface now. πŸ˜„

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Good morning & Happy Halloween, CoSo! And a blessed Samhain to those who celebrate.

Everything you post, every interaction you engage in, is a vote and a model for the kind of community you want to be in.

Don't replicate the things that you came here to get away from. Create something new and better.

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sktea as ever

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.