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Squatch boosted

So let me get this straight. The Left™ is politically attacking Musk by releasing information about a sexual misconduct coverup.

That only makes sense if you believe that the base of the left cares about sexual harassment/assault and the base of the right doesn’t.

Weird thing to admit.

Two years into the pandemic with a massive move to online work/school/classes. I can't handle when people don't know how to mute at this point. I feel like it's a good example of how disconnect a certain portion of our population doesn't really understand the current world we live in.

It still amazes me that if the Dems had done something like this, Repubs would be screaming about nuke and paving their way through all the hot button dem policies. But when Repubs violate human rights, we get nothing but "concern" and "needing to vote" from Dems.

How about putting everything on the table? EO voting rights, gun laws, green new deal. Just stop being so damn timid.

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