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Silea boosted
Silea boosted

Seeing that r/Kanye turned into a Holocaust Awareness forum has somewhat restored my faith in humanity. At least a little bit.

Silea boosted

He’s been interfering with everything I do for the past hour. Now, finally, he settles down.

Farting at me.

Seriously stinky. What a little jerk.

Silea boosted

Might be overstepping over into US labour politics here - but if a railway union strike has the ability to cripple the economy of a country with 300+ million folks in it...doesn't that show you the value in their labour towards the US' stability?

A clear sign of the importance these people and the work they do for your country? Isn't that worth the extra sick days and benefits they're asking for?

Just a thought.

Silea boosted

Took the 8th grader in for a ‘just making sure this is normal teenage stuff and not a health issue’ doctor’s appointment yesterday and it just _drained_ me. Doctors are spoon-vampires but for some reason this one was extra bad. It was a speed run ‘okay actually’ to spoon-debt. 🙇 (the kid is fine, btw).

Silea boosted
Silea boosted

As an exvangelical trauma survivor, I don't want to hear Christian music in public spaces. Don't want to hear the triumphalist march of the little drummer boy, or when "Christ our savior" (from a fallacious reading of original sin followed by a fallacious reading of substitutionary atonement) was born (to Mr & Mrs Christ?), or about the the most wonderful time of the year. Evangelicals, keep it to yourself.

Silea boosted

It's been said before, but, I think it bears repeating: You do not, under any circumstances, gotta hand it to Hitler.

Silea boosted

German schoolteacher: So, what does your dad do for a living?

KID: My dad does gay animal porn.

Teacher: REALLY?

KID: No he actually plays soccer for Germany but I was too embarrased to say.

Silea boosted
Silea boosted

On , this is your annual reminder that Ronald Reagan thought was more important to pander to the anti-gay bigots in the radical right who wanted us dead than to fight the AIDS pandemic that was “killing all right people”.

Thank you to the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACTUP) for all they did to get medical research going and resourced.


Silea boosted

I was about 15 when I realized that the Jesus I was asking to dwell among us at Advent (love and justice Jesus) was not the same Jesus my fundamentalist evangelical neighbors were asking (supply-side Jesus). I remember wondering if there'd be some sort of Jesus cage match if they both showed up.

I'm starting to think the answer is "yes, and we're living in it."

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Silea boosted

On World AIDS day it’s important to remember the friends I lost to HIV and the friends I still have who live with it every day. If you’re active, please use PREP. Please let’s not lose a whole additional generation to this disease. And let’s never let the *ssholes murder another generation of LGBT* Americans through neglect and persecution.

Silea boosted

Tell your friends to google jury nullification.

Silea boosted

Why do Americans put up with our archaic health care system? I was prescribed Humira in July for an auto immune disease. After insurance it is $800 a month but I was able to get a savings card which brought it down to $5 a month. Apparently I've now hit a limit and the full $800 co-pay is my responsibility. That's more than my mortgage. Unless can find a solution, I can no longer afford a needed medication. Fuck the US Healthcare system.

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