Laura boosted

Tonight is the most consequential thing that has happened in my life - outside of election night 2016 - We won’t even protect victims or rape or incest. Unfcking real.

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a MINORITY in this country just STOLE a woman's right to bodily autonomy. They are coming for contraception, gay marriage and transgender next if they aren't stopped.

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Laura boosted

Kutter Crawford and Tanner Houck are out for this series in Toronto, as they have not been vaccinated. Both have been put on the restricted/COVID list

Jon Schreiber and Tyler Danish called up in their place.

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Just so we are clear - I hated that Musk rat before it was cool. But not this Muskrat - who could hate this little critter?

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I'm hopeful this will be a hangout with little to no magats. I want to be able to hangout with 100's of thousands of like minded. Who is with me?? 🌊

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So the Elon sale is done. Y'all tell a friend they can find me here.

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Folks, if you haven't followed @fawfulfan on the Bird Site, you should now that he's giving CoSo a try. Absolutely one of the best, most thoughtful and insightful people I follow over there. Thrilled he's here and I hope he likes it! Welcome! 🙂

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My face at all of our amazing community moving in - hello everyone - it’s is like baby Twitter days

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Laura boosted
Laura boosted

You know it'd be really funny if Elon bought too given that it has far fewer users and therefore market price. Hail satan! Bush did 9/11.

Laura boosted

Hi folks! Just joined up in light of news at Twitter.

Further intro: This is Kamala she was adopted the Saturday day Joe and Kamala won the election - she is a very friendly one eyed kitty ❤️

Hey new here - looking for other avenues if Twitter goes weird(er)

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