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What I love about Coso:
The music (it's amaze-ballz)
The give-a-fuck of credible information/ news
The sweet, receptive souls
All da funnies (from punny to that's-fucked-up-but-I-love-it)
CATS! And all the sweet furbabies, but especially CATS
Nature and space photography

I could probably go on and on, but this place and a majority of us that call CoSo our interwebz home, it has to be my favorite place.

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"Draw your own conclusions, I ain't no damn artist" ~Me

Mount Roraima, located at the junction of Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela.

These tabletop mountains are considered to be the oldest geological formations on Earth, dating back to two billion years ago.

Sørvágsvatn, "the lake above the ocean" in the Faroe Islands

Today is gonna be hard. I’m on my way to say my final goodbyes to my uncle 🖤

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