Nicotine gum is great.
Between 7 and 10 pm I did the most smoking because by 7pm I have to pace the porch. Watch the sky.
Take pictures.
Inhale the smoke and the end of the day into myself.
I'm doing great all day. Until 7pm.
My husband told me that when he smoked while using gum to quit it jacked up his need for nicotine awfully.
So for now I suffer between 7 and 10pm.
That's fine.
@Shelter quitting smoking was super hard for me to do, but I eventually made it and you can too! You got this.
I've got this.
I'm really fcking stubborn and I've got this.
But I am not going to lie about it.
My mom didn't even bother with reverse psychology except for when it came to talking on the phone.
If she wanted me to hear about something important she'd mention it to someone on the phone because I heard EVERYTHING.
@Shelter @dr_zooks I approve.
Of course, if you only do the _opposite_ they may still be manipulating you. You must be prepared to do what you want regardless of what people say.
But always err on denying the enemy their desire. : )