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from Harry Litman (LA times legal affairs)

In case the collective comments of DOJ alumni don’t drive home how totally completely out-of-control and crazy this all Is: this is completely out of control and crazy.

from Rep Ted Lieu(CA-Dem)

Justice Dept Employees: All of you took an oath. That oath was not to Donald Trump or Bill Barr. It was to the Constitution. If Trump or Barr gives you an order that conflicts with the Constitution or statutes, I urge you to follow the example of US Attorney Berman.

This one graph tells you everything you need to know about Caligula's abilities to manage the country.

How were we blessed with dogs???

Nothing against cats, I love them too but just allergic... but seriously...

Stunning: More than 20% of Arizona's COVID tests reported today came back positive.

Intel report warns that far-right extremists may target Washington, D.C.

The district is "likely an attractive target" for the boogaloo movement and other groups, the intelligence assessment warns.

When your cable looks dubbed cuz your ISP throttles the fuck out of bandwidth.

Larry Kudlow referencing COVID-19-- likened it to "the bad hurricane..." To Kudlow, seeing things not in--you know... averting hundreds of thousands of just too intangible for a drunk.

That feeling when your doctor ends up doing telehealth over your cellphone, so you have learn how to allow access to your camera and microphone all over again.


Happy Birthday CoSo! Am still pretty much a "lurker" here in a *non-creepy* sort of way. I remain grateful for this sane, respectful space & diverse community if only for the dry wit & lack of bs.

Fox News mega-whiner Sean Hannity predicted that Marie Yovanovitch would "cry on cue" during her testimony yesterday.

Yet here we are, not even knowing whether she likes beer.

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