Shani boosted

Under 35
Sanders 33%
Warren 25%
Yang 11%
Biden 10%
Harris 7%
Buttigieg 5%
O’Rourke 2%

Biden 46%
Warren 25%
Buttigieg 7%
Booker 4%
Gabbard 3%
Klobuchar 2%
O’Rourke 2%
Sanders 2%

- all per Steve Kornacki;MSNBC

I bet those notes are in fucking sharpie!

The notes are in Trump's writing.
They have to be, Corey cannot write if he can't read, right?

Corey Lewandowski isn't stalling by not reading; I do believe he is illiterate.

At this point, it's become embarrassingly obvious.

Whenever Slimey Lewey is being questioned by the Dems, he keeps glancing at the Rep. side like "Rescue me, I'm so glad you're there mama!"

I'm just gonna say it early-
get a room, guys!
Freakin' Gym Jordan

I just got suspended on the Big T for saying
AssButt said I misgendered him because his name isn't Felicia, he reported me and I was suspended for hateful conduct against gender identity.

Devin Nunes sure does know how to make himself look like a real knob.
You know- a bellend.
A putz
A dick.
Why the schlong face?
A pack of pickled peckers
A Cock-a-doodle-don't
Choad the Wet Sprocket (keep it out of the grapefruit, man)
Devin "Penis" Nunes

Shani boosted

If you’re clamoring for a second civil war, you’re a sick fuck.

Well, this week is off to a bonkers start.
🚹🚺, y'all

Yes, it's time for this to watch Halleloo🙌

Shani boosted

- Reputed Gambino crime boss shot and killed outside a home in New York, police say

Right now I'm really into Red Dead Redemption 2 (Story mode) but Elder Scrolls Online was my jam for years! Oh, Tzidle will ride Betty The Bear again, but I gotta see how Arthur fairs first. (I know, I know)
Plus, RDR2 Online, hey!

Shani boosted

My pupper sat on my game controller ...
which thumb-stick may have gone up his tuchas this time?
Get me my micellar water wipes ... stat!

Shani boosted

aaaand I just went Pro. I love this site. my nerd parts are a-tingle

Everynight I have to take a break and listen to something- anything really- by Mika. His music brings me happiness and I recently realized he is out there.
Spreading the Gospel of Mika💖

What did we learn this week?
You grapple with a Pecker, it may leak and you'll end up with an illegitimate child being talked about by an Ex-Trump World Tower doorman.
Good talk, kids. Good talk.

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