So. The end of baseball season. Dodgers have won the division, and is best team in baseball. For the first time this yr lost 3 in a row. TO THE ROCKIES. Losing to a last place team. Now i know what it feels like to be a giants fan. πŸ˜‘

As the day has come that musk will probably take over ( and completely destroy) twitter. Im moving over here. If u follow me there pls follow me here ❀️

How do i see followers, and follow back! I cant remember!!

Wordle 324 3/6


Wordle 316 6/6


Anyone else watching the last of season 4 of ozark? Wendy is unbelievably cold. Jfc..

Looks like jester got most of the kinks ironed out! Im new, here from twitter, ( same name) and if any of my peeps are around please add me! Im a dem, dodger fan, loooove baseball and super snarky. If i fit the bill add me! Lets do this!

Who else loves politics?! I want to follow you!

If you were on twitter and have moved over here , please give a follow and i follow all back. The more the merrier!

Been sitting here in the closet till the glitching has subsided. Im BAAAAAACK!

Its so less stress inducing over here…jesus

Im finding the font so small i can varely read it in middle of the night. Can it be enlarged?

Im kinda loving how all of us are in the tiny accounts boat together!! Follow, and i follow back. If i can remember how i did that.. lol

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