Apartment hunting sucks. Judging by the number of tries it took me to make one complex understand that I can't do any tours until after 4:30pm, there are bots involved.

Had a fun night out at my first concert in almost 24 years this past Friday at the DPAC. Adam Ant/English Beat.

I have to move soon (my current property company used to be the best but is now the worst and I can't take it anymore. Long story.) I want a 2 br, so I have an extra room for books & yarn. I want to get an air mattress so my brother can visit, but he's not in great shape so I want an elevated one. How on earth do you get sheets on those? Do they even make fitted sheets that are 18 or more inches deep?

There was a light dusting of that horrid yellow powder on my car this morning. The Pollening is coming. I got a news story alert that the allergy season in NC is a full month longer than it used to be. 😭

I managed to finagle a day off tomorrow, which I am calling "Decongestant Day." The Pollening isn't here yet, but something's out there messing up my sinuses.

At my cardiologist, waiting for the lab to stab me. Blood pressure is perfect, but the most important thing? She put in a referral for me to see the ADHD clinic. This is huge, and I'm nearly in tears that I might finally get some help that will work.

TIL : in Durham NC, nowhere near the sea, there are seagulls.

Woot! Biopsy results are back and no problems. All clear!

Went to the dermatologist yesterday for the first time in decades. 3 of my biggest problems were dealt with, and now my stitches have itches. But she zeroed in on something I never paid any attention to, and said "when was your last mammogram?" 😯

Just did my taxes on my lunch beak. Woot! The dinguses at Credit Karma said my estimated refund would be $1659. I want what they're having - it has to be the good stuff.

I just checked the 7 day forecast. High of 34 tomorrow. High of 68 on Thursday. W.T.F.

I just looked at the label for the tea I'm drinking. There's catnip in it.

I may not make it to midnight, so I'll wish everyone a Happy New Year now. I hope 2024 sees a whole lot of justice served up, and innocent people no longer paying the price for other people's greed, stupidity, and malice. SlΓ inte Mhath.

Aaaaaand that last coping skill is kicking up dust puffs as it flees away. A life pro tip - if you are ever looking for a place to live in Durham NC, do not go anywhere near Ticon Properties if you value your mental and physical health. Just don't.

I have but one coping skill left. I can only hope that the bullshit I'm going through now is the kick in the pants I need to break me out of the grip of inertia and move me into better things.

Coping skills now on fumes. I can't wait to see 2023 in the rear view mirror.

Got my ticket to Adam Ant/English Beat. Missed the exact on sale time, but still got center orchestra. Not too expensive either, but it sucks that you have to use Ticketmaster.

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