Spending time doing nothing is a luxury I wish I could take advantage of more often.

I think Elon Musk has shown us the easiest way to become a billionaire.

Buy stuff, treat employees like crap, don't pay your bills.

In-person author events are the absolute best and part of me wishes I could just travel around the country, hopping from event to event.

I love geeking out with readers and other authors.

Having a really tough time keeping up with ONE social media platform, let alone...well, more than one.

Been busy proofing through Mage Breaker's galleys but, and I'm being 100% honest, I think it's a DAMN FINE BOOK.

I really hope readers do, too.

Mage Breaker: Eight Bullets might be the fastest book I've written to date. I *sort of* have a deadline but, honestly, I'm just enjoying the crap out of it.

Morning, everyone. I hope you all have a wonderful day! May you not find the room temperature cat barf in the dark...with your foot!

Happy , folks. I don't understand how Thor finds this comfortable, but I'm also not a cat, so...

Today might be Friday but it really felt like a Monday.

Eggs are no longer just a food.

They're an investment opportunity.

New running shoes make me realize how old and worn out my old shoes were.

My nomination for speaker of the house.

Now let's have some music.

We indie authors struggle to be noticed, but I'm just not sure this is the best way to go about that...

I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year celebration!!!

I waited for my daughter to return home safely and went to bed at 10 lol.

But that allowed me to get up, write 1,500 words AND run 4 miles. It's been a good first day of 2023 so far.

Today is the winter solstice!

Thor is absolutely...thrilled...

(there's a heat vent somewhere under the floof)

Last year, SkellyCat tried to run off with the garland. No idea why he was invited to the Christmas party.

For those who have tried pre-ordering a print copy of :

Amazon and Ingram are now playing nice with each other and the glitch has been fixed!


Our puppy has a favorite stick. She finds it every time she goes out in the back yard and then runs around with it because she's so proud.

Go find your favorite stick, Cosonauts.

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Sean R. Frazier

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.