If you want to make an omelette you gonna have to break some eggs ...

Just woke up to find this wee midden has manoeuvred herself into prime cuddle position while I slept. Currently snoring away happily.

In the absence of hawthorn or rowan the birch is as good symbol of beltane as any for Ostara and The Young Oak King's Heiros Gamos ... best wishes to all Celts today ...

I also like to take creepy shots of trees in Winter with tilt-shift and pinhole lenses.

Hey everyone ... can I post video? It seems to allw me to upload but then doesn't appear in the post.

I was Peter's manager for ten years ... I just spotted he is releasing a memoir so I dug out some old photos. This is one I took when we lived in Thailand while Peter was attending rehab and we were just about to make the third album by The Libertines. I think it was actually used on the front cover of the NME.

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Scottish Skies

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