What are y’all doing this weekend?

I also did a kids summer camp for four hours yesterday. I just wanna go to sleep.

Ok, so…I’m spread super thin.

I am currently teaching organic chemistry over the summer. Needless to say, it’s hard teaching incredibly difficult concepts at breakneck speed.

“Stressed out” is not a sufficient term for the current feelings I have.

Work is driving me mad!

Oh hey guys!

This is me in real time! It’s the end of the semester.


Watching the TETRIS film on


Cotton ball with teeth hanging out in the travel pouch.

Getting old sucks, but the alternative is unacceptable.

I am a big fan of crockpot cooking because you can just throw that stuff in the pot. Put a lid on it and cook it all day.

It saves me time, particularly since I work a lot of hours at my job

I get all of these ideas of how I’m going to make dinner over the course of the week while at work. Then when I sit down to make my grocery order, my brain decides to stop working.

It’s a real pain in the ass particularly since I have disordered eating.

I know I should write all this stuff down but I’m really bad at that sometimes.

So then I spend my time searching for recipes that I thought I saw once or to try to get some idea of what I should cook this week other than tacos and spaghetti.

Power was out last night.

BUT the tornados did not send my flying to Oz

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