All right - Savior Sav is out ✌️

Keep the love flowing CoSo...

And to my Jewish brethren ... Shabbat HaGadol!!

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Savior Sav boosted
Savior Sav boosted
Savior Sav boosted

@Savior_Sav @Monty1234 @VirginMaryCandle it’s all fun and games until someone shoulders the burden of sin for all mankind.

Have some wine 🍷😁❤️

Savior Sav boosted
Savior Sav boosted
Savior Sav boosted
Savior Sav boosted

Shabbat Shalom ya crazy kids.....Savior Sav in da' house!

Savior Sav boosted
Savior Sav boosted
Savior Sav boosted
Savior Sav boosted


About 1856 years before my birth.🤷‍♂️

I'm old by human standards but not by yours.

Phew...damn did I have a hard time getting back ....

How you doin'?

@Jeast I see your a dwarven king....I hope it has better end results than it did for me 😉

What up?

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Savior Sav

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