When prey kills predator, the false leader shall bring forth a generation of health.


When you accidentally use Apple Maps instead of Google Maps.



Sounds like really good advice!!



He does much worse than that when he’s been drinking...



Dotard Rump finally did something good for the American people. He single handedly saved the American tax payers $3.8million... by not going to his fucking resort and going golfing and instead staying in the White House where his fat filet-o-fish eating ass belongs.


Pro tip: Any girl who takes tequila shots without even making a face, has been sent straight to you by me, Satan, to ruin your life. Take heed.


Satan boosted
Satan boosted

You know, since @God is taken, you should have named yourself @gawd or @ohgod or @iamgod or @theRealGodTrump or something... but I guess @UnTied is alright.


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Do you feel that boy? The way the shit clings to the air. Shit blizzards coming.
-Jim Lahey


Props to Trevor Noah... β€œHe didn’t just choose a white country, he chose the whitest country. A country where people are so white they wear moonscreen”.


Hey tRUmp, you’re the shithole.


Man, I sure have a lot of work to do recently. The mortal layer has really played itself an interesting hand the past year.


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