At Penn State in 1990, we had students advocating for the rights and privileges of a construction hole. (OK, they were really protesting the loss of a chunk of field that was going to be used for yet another "classroom and office building").
In 2024, Penn State students held a vigil for ... a McDonalds. Sigh.
@brainwise ok, LOL.
@AskTheDevil @brainwise or... there's no better time!
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN @brainwise I am aware, intellectually, that primates laugh at things that are objectively awful, but I have not been able to connect to that wiring in my brain.
I don't think I'm human enough to work all the buttons properly.
But I'll go with "neuroatypical" to explain that.
I also get nauseous when presented with anything that tickles normal people's "gambling" urge. Even "winning" a gambling game makes me feel creepy.