As info...
"Charlotte" (not my choice) the master bath spider, was terminated earlier today.
The human involved admits to some possible karmic payback coming, especially since she named the spider.
When asked why she deviated from her training, my wife mumbled something about "feeling threatened."
You think you know a woman.
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN We don't name the spiders here, they seem to come and go, l do apologize when a web is disturbed.
In the last year or so l joined a FB group ( really, no politics, just bugs, called All Bugs go to Kevin) l stopped freaking out over the occasional house centipede, but my husband still kills them "on my behalf" He does have many fine qualities, so for now l'll continue to spare his life and try to re educate
@KarenSohne LOL.
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN These are creepy, but harmless.
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN I'm sorry the poor spider.