So, I'm lining up real estate agents and tours for when we're in Costa Rica.
Instead of dropping $70K (new number) on the remodeling job, we use it to buy a retirement property. Turn one or both into rental properties at various times of the year. We would be like tourists in our own resort homes.
This will force us to live and travel lighter, which I am all for. Living and traveling between "resort" homes, that's ideal in retirement right? I think #LivingTheDream
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN Thanks for the article. Hubby and I are trying to decide where we want to move when we retire. He would love to live in Japan again, but the restrictions make it difficult to retire there permanently. Spain and Portugal are our two current options. I recently started looking into The Netherlands. We may have to add Costa Rica to that list!
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN I can 100% get behind this plan
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN It does sound pretty great! I've thought of doing "real" retirement in Costa Rica. Family is what always stops me. Right now, I'm still helping raise g'kids. I'll be 75 when the youngest is 18. So the question then will be, is my health good enough to make such a move (and live alone!)?
While we're staying in Costa Rica, we can have remodeling work done at our US home.
"Why are you OK now with Costa Rica?" She asked.
"Because our (very like ourselves) friends are. Because THEY are."
Excited to live on the ring of fire!
And really, live off $2K-$3K a month? That's like one person's SS benefits.
That's sick.