I dont like Christmas, the pressure so many people put on not only themselves, but on family and friends around them. Like slow down and be thankful for another day, another week. Quit making a designated day or week so special. Be kind, thankful, and appreciate 365 days, 52 weeks, a year.

When i say has gotten outside i mean by a door left open, not jumping through the window screen๐Ÿ˜‚

Frou Frou loves being by open windows so every day when i get home from work I open the window for her. She has gotten outside a few times but stays in the yard and will let me know when shes ready to come back in. Anybody elses cat do that?

Just drove home from eye dr with dilated eyes on the sunniest day of the week. That was a challenge to say the least. On a plus note my fiance told me I look like my cat, frou frou. Best compliment ever๐Ÿ˜‚

"Outside bad, the sun scary its not my friend, it wants to hurt me!"

I deleted my Facebook, and it was the best decision I've made all week. Perhaps, all month! Try it for yourself.

Hope all my fellow had a great Easter! Frou Frou certainly did, and is not ready to get out of bed on this snowy Monday morning. counter.social/media/bf6HgcRO4

Was a bit difficult pouring and trying to get it on video, but it turned out pretty good! Who wants to talk coffee?! counter.social/media/HWL8ec3oT

Who can guess what Blue Apron has me cooking for supper tonight? I've never tried this, it shall be interesting. counter.social/media/xBJ-063Js

Franken calls out trump in resignation speech
I am leaving while a man who brags on a tape about his history of sexual assault sits in the oval office

Tea Pigs order came today! Now thats a lot of teabags! Yummy, cant wait to try their Mao Feng Green Tea. counter.social/media/5_9gBIF_l

Was a bit rough waking up this morning, but perks of managing a coffee shop is all the coffee you can drink.

Was a bit rough waking up this morning, but perks of managing a coffee shop is all the coffee you can drink.

Was a bit rough waking up this morning, but perks of managing a coffee shop is all the coffee you can drink.

My Timberwolves are playing on the west coast, I'm not used to staying up this late, but I can't miss the 4th quarter! Work at 6:30 in the morning should be fun...

Does anyone on here go ice fishing? I love ice fishing! 7 degrees fahrenheit tonight, making lots of ice!

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