This is not a "Resistance" site. Everyone is welcome. Peaceful dialogue is a very good thing. Lots of people with lots of opinions. It's what will end up making this a very successful and fun place to be. So far so good! I <3 CoSo!

It’s a shame this didn’t start around the time of Eurovision. I love a bit of live social media coverage for Eurovision. Oh well I guess Strictly Come Dancing will have to do for tonight.

My kids are watching the very first episode of Tom & Jerry screened. I mean, I know it gets satirised, but really, is there need to? This is...pretty high grade sadism.

‪The problem with this level of beardage is I find myself stroking it ALL THE TIME. Without even realising it.‬

Just been looking on Twitter. All the alt right accounts coming out in force in replies to tweets on Flynn after today’s revelations. Shit that place is ugly.

Would be nice to reunite this with it’s young owner.

This Camera Recorded Its Own Disappearance - Atlas Obscura

Right, anyone who likes travel or curiosities should definitely take a look at ‘Atlas Obscura’. There is a wonderful book...

And a wonderful website:

I spent hours in the book last Christmas and may well pick it up again tonight in fact. Fascinating stuff.

UK's biggest annual music festival, in Glastonborough, is sponsored by Air Qatar.

@Rlmiddleton seriously though, any other job if loads of porn were found on your work laptop you would be fired so quickly it’s untrue. “Sacked unfairly” my hairy arse.

The only 2 pop songs allowed on BBC radio are "Puppet on a String" & "The Road To Hell", due to UK's strict Shaw/Rea Law

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Rob the Transformers guy

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.