If you should stumble upon a great and seemingly perfect title, would you reveal it before publication/release or zealously guard it? How about if you cannot find the phrase used anywhere?
@Linwelly Thank you. That's how I'm feeling but I'm very new at this part so it can be hard to tell. I also have another part of my brain that genuinely wants to promote this one which is an odd feeling.
Fortunately, I'm +50k words in so the writing part is being taken care of by my obsession ;-)
@RileyNorman not that I'm an expert in any form, being just a lowly comic creator who finds writing more than 10 words in a row difficult 😂 it's just what I would do, but then I'm publishing the next episode of my stuff every other week so I'm very inconsistent.
In any case you seem to be on a good way!