"This suggestion is for ALL those men who think they have the “right” to make decisions about a woman’s body against her will." ~ Karin Welks

CUBE SHAPED WATERMELONS in JAPAN .Round watermelons are so last century. Case in point: Farmers in Japan have begun to ‘grow’ cube-shaped watermelons by inserting them into tempered glass squares while the fruit is still growing on the vine. Not only do they look cool, they take up less room in the fridge too and are easier to stack !
credit goes to the Respective Author / Owner

It's a shame that President Carter isn't a Catholic because, if saints exist (and I don't believe they do — at least, not in the canonized Roman Catholic sense), I've never seen a better candidate for the honor than that man.

The Tuesday edition of the pandemic update is now out with the latest news data and Reminders of how long covid can impact your health.

Tuesday's Pandemic Update: Reminders Of How Covid Can Cause Long Term Health Issues youtu.be/a9SO8Lzongo

It's 4 am here, can't sleep, I've been up since 2.
So I'm online hoping I will get sleepy and get a little shut eye before my alarm goes off at 5.

Trump makes extra concessions on $175M bond in $450M civil fraud case: analysis

The new conditions were needed, prosecutors argued, because they didn’t trust the financial health of the insurance company, Knight Specialty Insurance, who posted the bond for Trump. "They noted that Knight had violated federal law on multiple occasions and that they relied on risk-transfer practices to artificially bolster the surplus it used to cover Trump’s bond


, I regret to inform you that culinary icon appears to be filing for bankruptcy. There's an end in sight for .

I'm Losing You
Rare Earth
Full Version recorded 1970/1971.

"I'm Losing You" is a very awesome cover by Rare Earth of the 1966 hit by the Temptations.


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