Goodnight, . Have an excellent sleep and a great week to come.

β€ͺOh, what terrible news to wake up to. Representative Elijah Cummings was the kindest, most honest man. Bless his family and friends. Our nation has suffered a great loss.‬

I just took the ! If you're an atheist, agnostic, humanist, or non-religious American, you can tell your story and help our community be heard! Check it out at

You MUST LISTEN to this Terry Gross interview of Chris Wylie
β€” he explains with alarming clarity and specificity how our electoral sovereignty and integrity are under attack NOW, not just in 2016. The details are devastating

Watching Sir Paul McCartney on . Pretty spry for an old coot.

A phrase that will be burned in my memory for years to come, β€œHow about them NATS!”

I pick up velocity as I glide past Jupiter, feeling his powerful pull. The vacuum is so cold it’s like tapping an anvil with a ball peen hammer.

Gettin stoned and watching The Big Chill. God, I loved that music.

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Uncle Bud πŸ€™

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