Ok not posted since forever, but just trying out the wall of entropy. Wow!! You can get lost in that thing for a very long time 😂

Reggieboy boosted

"Only 3 things happened that matter in Tuesday's debate. #1: Trump refused to condemn White supremacy. #2: The President of the US refused to condemn White supremacy. #3: The Commander in Chief of the US military refused to condemn White supremacy." - Van Jones

Big charity stream happening in my home city right now. Celebrating the Hacienda a legendary nightclub from the 80’s and 90’s. Dancing round the living room!!

Made it through another week, we’ll make it through this people, stay strong!!

If nothing else, the covid 19 situation should hopefully bring back social or neighbourhood responsibility to a lot of us. It’s kind of disappeared the last 10 maybe 20 years. Look after your friends, family and neighbours.

Knew it spectacular meal with amazing company, can’t wait to do it again

Today’s soundtrack on the commute to work was brought to you by Guns n Roses Appetite for Destruction, and by the letter S and the number 7

Reggieboy boosted

Today’s top tip, do not attempt the food shopping while nursing a hangover. Not only is it painful, but you end up going round and round and round the store because you have missed or forgot something.

Working on a Saturday when you’re not used to it ain’t much fun

Reggieboy boosted
Reggieboy boosted
Reggieboy boosted
Reggieboy boosted

Just finished watching The Stranger on Netflix, great story. But I also enjoyed spotting all the great locations around Greater Manchester where it was filmed. Ramsbottom, Stockport, Ancoats and the city centre itself. Proud of my home city!!

Happy Valentines Day cosonauts!! Whatever status you are, single, married, complicated it doesn’t matter. ❤️❤️

Minor setback yesterday, but back on it today. Moving forward again, should always be forward, don’t stand still or look back, don’t let the bastard drag you down 💪🏻👍🏻👆🏻

Had THE best nights sleep last night. It is amazing what a good nights rest can do for your emotional state, feeling goooood today 😁😁

Reggieboy boosted

Wow! Once Upon A Time in Hollywood was great! Very interesting!

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