So. A joint Russo-Chinese flotilla sailed close to US territorial waters off Alaska.

All I have to say is this. Today is the anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing. This was the result of a dictatorial power awakening a sleeping giant.

And this giant isn't asleep.

@LiberalLibrarian However it IS in danger of falling into dictatorship itself.

@TwiHusband As Joe says, we are at an inflection point. And I think we'll weather the storm and come out the stronger.

@LiberalLibrarian I hope so. It all depend on the strength of both the lever and the fulcrum.

@TwiHusband @LiberalLibrarian The majority is not going to tolerate dictatorship. Look at what's happening in Israel, which is significantly more right wing than the US majority.

The question isn't whether the US becomes a dictatorship. It's how much damage is done before the wannabe dictators are defeated.

@RationalLeft @LiberalLibrarian A great deal of damage I suspect. 60-plus million of our fellow citizens would like nothing better than to kill us all, if they can't have their way.


@TwiHusband @LiberalLibrarian They're not going to be able to do that either, but yes, they're going to do a lot of damage, whipped on by Fox for its own profit.

@TwiHusband @LiberalLibrarian They will kill people. They will not have any opportunity to kill enough to change the demographics.

Stochastic terrorism. That's them.

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