How about NASA commits to a huge billboard on the moon? "America to Earth, out to lunch, back in 2.5 years."

We need to tell the world to just stand by for a few more years, we will get the problem fixed.

Good Morning Friends, and future friends!!! Hope we all have a fun day, no matter what we are doing. 🙂

Other than being born in the US and staying alive for 40 years, Trump has proven there are no other job qualifications needed to be POTUS. Any other job requires experience, so why can anyone be President without experience? Would four years in Congress be too much to ask for? At least then everyone could see what you have.

Note to self, always reset the Delay Brew clock after power outage! Woke up to four hour old cold coffee. 😭

They say hindsight is always 20/20. Well lets hope that in 2020 the voters have better vision than they did in 2016. 🤔

Hello everyone. . . new here getting my toes wet.


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