@TheNewsOwl ALL the BS "Royal Family" have to do is this: LEAVE Harry and Meghan alone! Shut up about them! Stop lying about them! Stop involving with their events and schedules! Stop inciting hate and violence as if you were still colonialists!
Harry and Meghan would have let it go long ago, but the threats and attacks never ENDED! It's time for blowback now. I'm glad it's here and coming.
@Bear7962 This is the most useless bullsh(t I've read do far. NONE of what you posted has any relationship with the truth.
@QueenPhillippa Harry needs help. His publishers sent the book back to have the salacious stuff added and his subsequent rant is only so it can be monetized. His advisors may be wise about creating income but they are not dealing with his pain or mental health.