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Okay this thread is going to be pinned.

Iโ€™m intersex. Androgen insensitive. My chromosomes are XY despite looking phenotypically female. When I was born I didnโ€™t have all the necessary mapping like a vaginal canal or cervix. I had a partial uterus, an ovary and a gonad not connected to anything. Because of this, the doctor suggested to my parents to get me โ€œfixedโ€ right away. There was 0 reasons to do this. It was not negatively affecting me. I could pee just fine.

Penny hasnโ€™t been feeling well but as soon as I put some packages down she was eager to claim them as hers.

This actually baffles me the more I think about it. Why arenโ€™t the far right people marrying each other despite having the same values? When they do, what causes them to divorce multiple times? If their core values are the same, why do they seem to hate each other?

Wanting the idea of a traditional family is fine too, for the record. I see an awful lot of far right women wanting a husband that values this and an awful lot of far right men wanting a submissive housewife. BUT THEY ARENโ€™T MARRYING EACH OTHER!

Iโ€™m sitting here eating homemade pierogi I made everybody for lunch, in a crochet blanket a friend made me years ago wearing earrings another friend made for me. I even feed my pets homemade food. I know this a bit braggy but what the hell is going on with the โ€œtraditional familyโ€ crowd??

Wifey will be back on Saturday and today has been an awful clusterfuck. Iโ€™m on verge of a meltdown and all I want is to eat a vegetable

โ€œOur original drummer was Methew but we had to cut him loose on account of all the cokeโ€

This is an architectural inconvenience I hadnโ€™t yet thought of myself. Imagine needing to get to the toilet in the middle of the night on sleep meds ๐Ÿฅด

I hate living in the suburbs. I donโ€™t belong here at all.
I love that I can get anything delivered.
Public transport is still too far to get to and as a non driver with mobility issues it sucks.

Iโ€™d happily live in a more rural area if ordering a ride was more accessible and I was just close enough to the city I could still get things delivered. I guess thatโ€™s too much to ask tho.

Also why tf is my mail box a block away I hate that..

My dogs are like backwards in food related perspective. Melody, my black lab is the least food motivated dog Iโ€™ve ever seen. Riker, my Italian greyhound, is the most food motivated dog Iโ€™ve ever seen in general. However, Melody has been the easiest dog to train. Riker just copies her to steal her treats.

Riker will also bring me his bowl if he decides heโ€™s hungry again.

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