Still can’t understand what the FUCK MAGAt morons think they are getting out of supporting the would-be dumbfuck dictator?? Do they think they are on a protected list?? With the orange dumbfuck, there is NO protection. STUPID TRULY IS AS STUPID DOES!!
And a loud helping of limbaugh...they gobbled it up without shame.
@ReneeVoiceBrand @Punisher1976 It's true. I'm normally very easy-going, but if I were locked alone, with no witnesses in a room with Richard Murdoch, we'd learn whether a really old devil has the willpower not to beat a shriveled and frail old human to death with a shoe.
@AskTheDevil @Punisher1976 😂 👏 👠 👢
@AskTheDevil @ReneeVoiceBrand I would help you gladly with that; taking down an evil piece of shit. He would just be a good starter before taking on the orange dipshit, as long as his plastic Barbie doll wife got of the way.
@Punisher1976 @ReneeVoiceBrand I'm trying to be a good example and not pummel people.
@Punisher1976 The 35 year assault on America's psyche from Fox 'News' cemented their beliefs that 'white entitlement' is being replaced. The attacks on teachers, middle-class, women, minorities, unions, education, science, medicine, vaccines reached their reptilian brains (which is code for 'survival'.) They genuinely believe they are the 'master race' and therefore rule over others. Murdoch is a master at monetizing HATE.