I saw a pair of Eastern bluebirds outside my window this afternoon. They're rare around here, so I found myself feeling delight and wonder.

If only we could slow time down enough to truly savor it, to capture a moment and freeze ourselves in it.

We can't. I wish I could, but I'm not zen enough. I am trying to recognize the moments when they occur, not to dismiss them or get distracted from them; and most important, to access genuine emotion, no matter the feeling, even if it's not until later.

Good snowy--where I am, anyway--late Sunday morning to you, CoSo! With how large of an aggregate of abused former wives and girlfriends am I facing this day? With how many oh-well-it's-just-a-whiny-woman-so-who-cares white, male, R-words will I be enraged again?

Subtle abuse can be, often is, as bad as or worse than direct, obvious abuse, which is not to minimize *any* abuse. Micro-aggressions cause erosion of the self and are much, much more difficult to understand when they're happening.

It's winter here. Putting me in the mood for the Olympics. I lived 5 years of my childhood in Minnesota; I don't remember hating snow or cold the way I sometimes do now. I would ice skate until my feet were so cold my dad had to drag me off the ice to avoid frostbite. A neighbor kept her ice cream in her mailbox. People regularly walked around with open coats and no gloves in subzero temps. Like, nope!

Wow. I'm old and crabby! Might as well start saying, "You kids get offa my lawn!" right now.

Goooood winter Friday morning, CoSo! 🌨🌨🌨🌨❄️❄️❄️❄️ The sky is shitting snow at an incredible rate. Hubs made it to work; I don't need to be anywhere except the barn and I will wait until my tax dollars (I live in one of the highest taxed counties in the nation) put the snowplows to work before I go. So, catching up on Black Mirror, Electric Dreams, Altered Carbon, psychopharmacology research, and my beloved Ursula K. LeGuin's last book of essays. And drinking ☕️. Lots and lots of ☕️☕️☕️☕️.

Good morning! The sun is shining; the air hurts; the snow is 2 miles deep.


Not sure if you can follow this link. It's an abstract of a new, robust study suggesting cannabis use of any sort raises, rather than lowers, risk of opioid use disorder. TBH, I am and have been wary of marijuana's so-called safety. More studies should be executed immediately and results, not Beauregard Sessions, should inform public health policy.

Too bad 45* didn't volunteer to be Starman, since he *is* that goddamned dumb. Instead, he's going to grow his penis by 2 micrometers with a useless and self-aggrandizing parade consisting of rolling compensatory mechanisms.

Because it's cold, the horses are in their stalls today. Our mare has learned to get the lid off the grain container and will avail herself of the contents therein quite liberally--I have to make sure she doesn't overindulge to avoid colic. My gelding is a butt swinger. Half the reason he swings his butt at me is to test me; apparently, it's a paint thing. The other half of the reason he does that is he's insecure and he wants me to scratch his butt because it calms him. Oh, the horses!

Morning, CoSo! ☕️ Let's get that coffee going! I woke up to approximately 83 feet of snow, give or take 20 feet. All of my patients canceled yesterday, understandably so, as there was a bona fide snowstorm. Half of them canceled today, NOT understandably, since the sun is shining and the roads are plowed, even our backwoods road. C'mon, people; it's not as if we don't live where it does this kind of thing, you know, *every fucking year*.

Whatevs. More time for me to spend with the horses. 🐴🐴

Neighbor across the road and down the valley put a motion sensor on his jillion-watt outdoor light. It's been going off and on every .325 ms. Feel like I'm offshore caught in a lighthouse beam. I looked to see what's setting the light off; it's a damned fawn grazing underneath it and wandering in and out of sensor range. Its herd is hanging about, grazing through snow. If those fuckers come bounding over to our yard, I'll run into the night screeching like a ban sídhe. They'll eat my saplings!

I can't wait for the Olympics! Even though I haaaaaaate winter, I loooooooove winter sports. I'm going to hole up pretty much all weekend, eat me some good food, snack on some of those vagina Doritos, listen to sportscasters mansplain sports, and have a good ol' time!

I'm at the gas station. It's 15 degrees, wind chill about 0. Dudebro next to me is standing outside pumping gas IN NYLON ATHLETIC SHORTS. Wtaf.

The greyhounds, however, remain unconcerned. I started to type "undisturbed," but that would be a lie.

Here are 2 of our 3, worrying about the cold.

Mornin', y'all. ☕️ Was supposed to snow buckets last night, didn't. Will tonight, for sure. Our mare was shivering yesterday, so we put a turn-out blanket on her. Looks like 2 more weeks of bitter weather and much, much snow. Horses will be in their stalls 24/7; that makes them restless. I try to get them out to dry lots to romp for a bit, but I don't always have the time. Here is another photo of my darling gelding trying to help scoop manure. I 💖 him! 💋

He's going to go back in for the dog and die. The dog better make it out!

I'm not an Eagles fan, but it was worth it to see Brady looking like Sad Keanu all night. Waiting for the Packers-Bears Super Bowl death match.

Good god, Jack's gonna go back to save the dog and he's not going to make it, but I'll tell ya, *the dog better not die*!!!!!!

Buh-bye, Pats. It is to cry.

Brady's waaaaaah-waaaah-waaaahing again. Sad!

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