Biden in Ukraine, with Zelenskyy, is a historical moment.

… a very proud historical moment!

Richard boosted

Vice President Harris is often ignored or criticized by the press, because she does her job with exemplary effectiveness, and without scandal.

Think about that.

Richard boosted

It’s the oligarchs vs. planet Earth.

It always has been, and it always will be, unless we summon the courage & imagination to change it.

They may have all the money, but we outnumber them by billions.

Maybe it’s time we evolve beyond money, and make them totally irrelevant.

Richard boosted

Ron DeSantis says Florida is where woke goes to die.

Not surprisingly, it’s also where truth, equality, equity, intelligence, dignity, culture, progress, compassion, fair elections, affordable housing, education, freedom, liberty, hope, and democracy go to die too.

Stoned and watching the original Valley Girl. It’s so innocent. Totally a dorkier side of the 80s, but what a great soundtrack.

Richard boosted

According to scanner traffic, there are multiple victims in Cielo Vista Mall Food Court in El Paso (source: Agenda-Free TV).

Richard boosted
Richard boosted
Richard boosted
Richard boosted

@Prodygy7 There was the assault weapons ban which drastically reduced the number of massacres. But a new Congress let it expire and the carnage returned. SCOTUS also had a role, holding that the right to bear arms is more important than the right to live. And allowing NRA to buy politicians.

Richard boosted

@Prodygy7 Good article.
The Onion has a story they run every time, changing only the name of the city. No Way to Prevent This Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens.

I wrote this essay on gun violence on It was written last month after the shootings in January.

I’m sharing it again, because…
… because it happened again.

Richard boosted

Here are the Jeffrey Epstein documents, all 2,000 pages of them.

Read ‘em and weep, folks.

The flight logs begin on page 464.

Share this post if your name doesn’t appear anywhere in there.

Alan Dershowitz & Donald Trump certainly won’t be able to share it.

Richard boosted


Completely agree. These kids are at a much higher risk or suicide than other kids. All the major medical & counseling associations endorse gender affirming care for transgender kids. Legislating against their best interests is, IMO, practicing (bad) medicine without a license.

Richard boosted

No, people do not "all want to be a third gender," as is apparently now a "centrist" position.

Some do, but that is absolutely *not* a universal experience.

Legislation targeting transgender individuals is a form of violence.

Without medical and mental healthcare, the increase in suicide among children will increase.

We cannot let that happen.

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