Anyone else see that Dept of Commerce is wholesale blocking downloads of TikTok and WeChat in the US beginning Sunday?

I'm not a TikTok fan, but I'm even less a fan of the US following China's lead with the Great Firewall. Today it's TikTok and WeChat, but what comes next? Slippery slope...

@PrivacyL0st just read about it

if a deal isn't struck by 12th nov the app, apps, will be fully banned

so, as far as i can tell this is a temp-ban, and only affects downloads, until 12th nov users who have the app installed can still use the apps

@ecksmc As far as I'm concerned the fact that we're nationally blocking downloads of anything is a problem.

The timing is a little suspect too, given FB is a couple weeks out from debuting their competing product.

@ecksmc @th3j35t3r had posted up the FaceBook Inc PAC filing summary.... it looks like Zuck got a deal too ~$400k. Was probably worth way more... Trump really is just as shitty at business as he is at everything else...


@ecksmc I just took the time to actually browse the disbursements of the FB PAC.... a fair amount went to Trump's opposition. So whatever Zuck "paid" for the help was an even better deal than I thought...

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