Josezette boosted

I asked AI how to pronounce "Xitter". "Xi" is pronounced like the English word "shee" but with a bit of a "sh" sound at the beginning. So.....Shitter.

Today is the day! Trying out my new roller skates!! Wish me luck! πŸ›ΌπŸ›ΌπŸ’œ

Good Morning CoSo! I went roller skating with the kids this weekend and fell several times. My arm is sprained. The important part of falling down is getting back up, and keep moving. I can’t wait to try again next weekend. πŸ’œπŸ›ΌπŸ›ΌπŸŽ‰

Josezette boosted

Good morning! β˜€οΈ β˜•οΈ Have a wonderful day! πŸ¦‹

Is anyone else enjoying 1899 on Netflix? It’s WILD.

Good Morning CoSo β˜•οΈ Happy Sunday everyone 🌞

I can’t believe we have to suffer through another Trump campaign. Cue the MAGA ISIS Trucks with their flags driving around our towns here in Florida. Just when they were almost gone. When will the GOP finally DUMP his ass? FFS GO AWAY. 😑😭

Good Morning! β˜•οΈβ˜€οΈ

How many marks can a check mark mark if a check mark could check marks?

Thank you, I’ll see myself out.

Josezette boosted

It is literally illegal in Islam for a man to look at another man's genitals. We, by LAW cannot look. We do not know if you're a man using a woman's restroom because we, literally, cannot check. This is why we're pretty OK with Trans folks. Not because we're morally superior, rather, because we don't bother to care.

I want you to think about that next time your republican cousin wants to police women's restrooms.

Good Morning β˜€οΈ β˜•οΈ

This is a Playlist I made for a love of mine who passed away a year ago. ❀️

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