Never mind, it’s not that great. It does allow you to see multiple timeles and post from multiple accounts, however there is one flaw. While, It allows you to see notifications, it doesn’t allow you to see what tools or tweets of yours those Notifa Toons are referring to. As in, it’ll you “[x account] liked your toot” but you can’t see what toot they liked, or it’ll say “[x account] replied to your toot” but it won’t show you what they said. So meh.

The “Stella” app on the App Store allows you to see a CS timeline and a twitter TL mixed together so you can do both from one app, just FYI. It also lets you toot or tweet from just one app.

@th3j35t3r Wondering why my local timeline just shows my posts and the posts of some random account I don’t even follow, and nothing else?

@Parastang Fuck civility. I just want satire to be acceptable again.

@itsscottwilder Fuck nazis and bots and a lot of people. But conservatives also love America and want what they think is best. Often, they just want to govern morals, but there's validity in other aspects.

Honestly, I hope this place doesn't become a liberal circle jerk.

Hello, CoSo folks. What's the topic of the day? I submit: Knives.

Right now, CS is more like a well organized chatroom, but the more people that show up the less you will be relying on the local feed and the more on your own timeline, not unlike twitter.

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