For her new romantic fantasy novel "The North Wind," author Alexandria Warwick took inspiration from both the "Beauty And The Beast" and the myth of "Hades And Persephone." To learn more, check out this Q&A.
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#AlexandriaWarwick #AlexandriaWarwickInterview #AlexandriaWarwickTheNorthWind #AlexandriaWarwickTheNorthWindInterview #AlexandriaWarwickTheFourWinds #AlexandriaWarwickTheSouthWind #AlexandriaWarwickTheEastWind #AlexandriaWarwickTheWestWind #Fantasy
@joycereynoldsward I would have your publisher's PR person contact me directly at beerhound (at)
@PaulSemel alas, I'm selfpub.
@PaulSemel how would I contact you about submitting a book for review or scheduling an interview?