@Patti1120 it’s about 37 degrees and 100 miles off for the Northern Lights currently. But I really had no reason to head out to look for them because it was a miss lastnight, because it was an outta band of the lights and what I’ve learned is 2nd time trying to go look for them ya not happening.
@LordsofHardwired can I ask you, have you truly seen the northern lights with your eyes or did you need to use a camera and lens to see it. I was in Iceland years ago and went on a northern lights tour. But the thing was it was so light but if you had a specific lens on camera you saw it perfectly.
So I’m trying to figure out can it be seen with out the lenses or you always have to view through one
@Patti1120 it was like last year or the year before that the Northern Lights reached KP 7 and I saw Pink and no matter where I went you did not experience a bad place to view them. I didn’t pay for this app, I’d like to get into more detailed about this. What other app are ya on?
@Patti1120 are you on Insta?
@LordsofHardwired nope literally just here and FB my instagram got hacked years ago by Russian idiots TWICE so I gave up lol
@Patti1120 TikTok or Snapchat?
@LordsofHardwired oh I have twitch!
@LordsofHardwired I swear I only joined twitch cause my friend said it was fun and then I found sumo wrestling matches, so I watched them as I didn’t find fun on there either. I play the switch and that’s about it
I only pay here as it’s so worth it to be honest. I love supporting J and hey they always say “once you go pro…”. lol you can fill in the rest haha