So the past week I have noticed a cat coming into my yard visiting my two cats. I mean she’s a whore….she does all these cat calls. Lays down on the pavement rolling over. So today I look out and there is another cat in my yard doing the same thing. Like is this normal for rando cats to come and visit other neighborhood cats? I mean my cats are indoor only, never outdoor. But I friggin crack up that their friends come hang out in the yard.
hmmmmm… rando cats checking out your yard is normal. female cats yowling & rolling around on the pavement indicates they’re in heat .
Are your 2 indoor cats neutered?
@QueenOfEverything yes thankfully so they just lay there staring at them
lol... your cats are just spectators then. I put out crunchies & fresh water for a couple of the feral cats out on my deck... and my cats watch from the windows.
Occasionally, at night, raccoons come up on the deck and are very CURIOUS and come up to the double doors to sit and watch my cats watching them.
Just looking... my cats don't growl... they just sit there and stare back.
@Patti1120 I have had a couple of caty neighbors myself. Maybe it's just an over friendly neighbor thing.