Due to covid I’ve homeschooled my son, just finished first grade. He’s supposed to go to public school in the fall….::.

I don’t usually post current pictures of me or my kids but yesyerday was different, we were finally able to get vaccinated he held my hand then I held his. The plan was always to do it together, glad that we were able to do so. ❤️❤️❤️
We were supposed to get vaccinated together in December, our appointment was a Thursday but on Monday of that week we tested positive.

Friday the 13th, right before a full moon AND eclipse, DURING a mercury retrograde.

, may your coffee be strong and the odds ever in your favor.

I'm strapping in for one hell of a ride today.

North Korea ‘Sending Out SOS’ as It Admits Unnamed Disease Has Spread to 350k People - “You can think of what happened in Wuhan when it first broke out, when no one had been infected before. But what’s spreading in North Korea now is five to six times more transmissible than the one in Wuhan.” via Vice vice.com/en/article/7kbgza/nor

Enjoy this Friday the 13th during retrograde and full moon tomorrow

Finally able to get vaccinated!
Todays the day for my son and I!!

My son’s father uses my anxiety, agoraphobia PTSD and severe depression to get what he wants. I don’t mean he’s audibly doing so, he just backs me into such a corner that I can’t do anything. He wants a new custody agreement and to be able to claim him on taxes.
I agreed to every they’ve asked for but he’s still going to drag me into court knowing that it’s debilitating.

Sorry had to tell someone.

Snip snip boys ✂️ It’s reversible and a hell of a lot less invasive or recovery than the Tubal Ligation I had in 2019. Back then I asked my bf if he would get the snip, (I’ve got 2 sons and he has a daughter and we don’t want more) he thought I was kidding until I told him what day my surgery was on.

I will be watching the Jan. 6 hearings in June.
Yes, indeed. 👀

Good morning to everyone except Clarence Thomas and his ugly wife.

Started crying 4 mins into Love and the Constitution….

Make sure you tell your grandmas Happy Mother’s Day, without them none of us would be here ❤️❤️

What if Justice Breyer leaked it?
He’s on his way out and he knows it’s fucked and the decision doesn’t agree with 70% of Americans.

Pro-life? Then get vaxxed, wear a mask, fasten your seat belt, don't drink and drive and ban assault weapons. That would be pro-life, but for the freedum folks it's all narrowed down to abortion. Pro-life is much more than that. Women have earned the right to be pro-choice, let them keep it.

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Pants Mcgee

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