US Presidents Raised the Debt Ceiling 42 Times in Recent History, with Ronald Reagan raising it the most of any President, 18 times. Trump raised it twice & added $7.8 trillion, 25% to our nation's debt in his one term.

Surely Ann Wagner isn't going to vote to default on our loans just to take money from elderly people and food from kids. Surely. But call her and demand a clean debt limit bill. 202-224-3121

It's OUR money.

🎶This bill is right

To set a-light

Deep in the spleen of Texas🎶

So much freedom that you continue to try legalizing "bounties" (remember abortion bounty law?) against fellow Texans so you can continue to persecute, demean, and vilify people who haven't harmed you.

Remember that laws created to separate those without power, are so those with power can exploit you and keep your focus away from their fleecing of your freedoms and rights.

Hospitals don't have any beds because it takes all day to discharge someone. Please let me come fix this for you! An efficient discharge system will save you millions.

Good for you . If I can't get all necessary women's meds, because of religious zealots, at I won't be buying any of my meds there. Say goodbye to a couple of hundred $ a month. ,

Would all of my MO rural friends please call you legislators and tell them you don't want unaccompanied minors in St Louis City to be able to carry a gun in public or into a public place or school? Most of you visit here, some of us live here, and we need to give our police some tools to make it safer for all of us. Please.

Medicaid renewal is coming.. Make sure your contact information is up to date.
Watch for a letter from your state medicaid program.
Send back the form they sent you by the deadline.
If your situation has changed and you no longer qualify for Medicaid go to the Healthcare Marketplace at healthcare. gov and sign up. It can cost as little as $24 a month for individual coverage.

, his family, friends, minions and ruined people's lives with their stolen election bull. That they knowingly spread for their own gain. They divided our country and tried to overthrow our election. If they are not traitors who are?

I will not accept that the only people being prosecuted are the people trump's cabal led to break the law. They need to all be held accountable.

Why won't any of our leaders in Washington, Republican or Democrat, do something?

It's been 2 years.

Wow, Blunt is now the guardian of black history in MO. What could go wrong?

These are much needed Medicare and Medicaid changes. They will speed up care and decrease costs. It is a rule change but please call the White House, your Senators, and Representative and let them know you support this. Thank you!

“Jesus doesn’t have an image problem, but Christians and their churches do,” Young says. “These campaigns end up being PR for the wrong problem. Young people are savvy. One of their primary issues with evangelicalism, and the modern church in America, is the amount of money spent on itself.” Ref: "He gets us."

Experts estimate that in about 100 years antibiotics extended the average lifespan in the U.S by 23 years.

The popularization of home refrigeration, pasteurization and new food safety regulations to control bacteria also contributed to lower rates of infection."

Infectious diseases deaths began to decline after the U.S started chlorinating drinking water in 1908 to kill off water-born illnesses like typhoid, cholera and dysentery.

The discovery and introduction of antibiotics like penicillin in the early 20th century helped lower mortality rates among people with bacterial infections.

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