If you own any books by Diana paxson, I would suggest taking a very deep dive on what's been going on with Grayhaven. She has been officially removed and defrocked by The Troth as of tonight. What's more is that she was complicit in the abuse of multiple children and teens on her premises and did nothing to stop it from happening under her roof. She was recently physically attacked by a CSA survivor. #CoSoPagans https://thetroth.org/official-announcements/diana-paxson-removed-from-the-troth/
If you are looking for a multi-spectrum inclusive community for pagans heathens atheists of all types, I would highly recommend looking into Wolf the red and ocean keltoi. I've been part of their community since 2017 and have never once had an issue come up with the community or their actions in supporting the lgbtq and open learning resources for all pagans. They are firmly anti-racist, so if you're interested, check out their YouTube channels. They have their Discord link there. #CoSoPagans