If Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero to the fucking GOP, then the little 18-year-old asshole who drove miles in tactical gear to a black neighborhood supermarket in Buffalo and killed 10 people today ought to be eligible for their Medal of Honor.

Overturning Roe v Wade is the perfect convergence of the 2 wings of today's GOP: the batshit crazy fundamentalists & the Big Money Boys. Both want abortion outlawed, but for different reasons. The fundies on (dubious, IMO) religious grounds, the BM Boys on the strictly economic: ever-rising profits require an ever-increasing population. And an unborn baby is an unborn consumer!

As for the Boys themselves, not to worry--their wives & mistresses will ALWAYS have access to safe abortions.

RT this if you're here to flee the Muskrat's Twitter takeover.

Greetings, all, from yet another ex-twitterer. Kinda wished now I'd signed off the platform with an eloquently flaming rant against billionaires in general and one insufferable dude-bro in particular before deactivating my account, but...just couldn't STAND the thought of adding even one more cent in ad revenue to the Muskman's already obscenely overstuffed bank account!

Otis K. Boomer

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