Mike boosted

So, one thing I can't stand on social media, are the people who post their scores on Wordle etc. I don't play it. I don't care what your scores are, so I will filter out any and all posts of this nature moving forward. They are simply a waste of bandwidth to me!

Mike boosted

Picked up a bug. Tested negative. Just a ugly cough. A few inches of new snow too. I'd really rather not do any of it.

Mike boosted

If DJT wasn't so egotistical, he'd plead insanity to any charge brought against him. I think most Americans would agree he's insane.
But his personality is going to be his downfall.

I knew 3 dogs by myself was a little much to handle, but they did ok. I knew the planted birds were probably all gone, but they don't care and you never know.

Lovely day to escape the house while T-day prep is happening.

I only worked Pippin today. Idk why the other dogs are so tired.

About the only fruit I will harvest this year. Here's to some paw paw bread.

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